Backache | Dr. Tamer Tekin
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Back Pain

Low back pain is a very painful condition that disturbs the comfort of the patient. Suddenly your waist is stiff. It is also known as waist lock among the people. It is among the most common complaints at the hospital. It often causes labor loss. 80% of people experience back pain at least once in their lifetime.


Causes of Low Back Pain

  • Stress

  • Pregnancy - low back pain is common in pregnant women

  • Still life

  • Obesity

  • Heavy physical exercise

  • Heavy working conditions


Emergency Situations in Low Back Pain


  • Weight loss

  • Fire

  • Persistent low back pain - If there is no reduction in pain with rest

  • Pain spreads towards the legs

  • Have a recent history of fall or trauma

  • Urinary incontinence - difficulty in urinating

  • Defecation

  • Numbness in the genital area

  • Numbness in the anal area

  • Numbness in the hip area


Low Back Pain Treatment


The patient should continue his normal life as much as possible. Continuous rest has no place in the treatment of low back pain.


Sleep; It should be in a bed suitable for the anatomy of the spine. There is no need to lie on a firm floor. Putting a small pillow between your knees can provide comfort at night.

He should return to business life as early as possible, and should not wait until the back pain is completely gone in order to return to work.


Drug Treatment For Low Back Pain


  • Paracetamol

  • Anti-inflammatory pain relievers

  • Muscle relaxants


Other Treatments Applied for Low Back Pain


In acute low back pain (first 48-72 hours), 20 minutes to the waist area several times a day. ice can be applied.

A pain that persists for more than 3 months is described as chronic low back pain. In this case, it is useful to apply hot.


Exercise: Waist exercises are not recommended because they increase the pain in the first moments of the pain. But; In the period when the pain begins to pass, it can be started because it supports the back muscles and helps the flexibility of the spine. Stretching exercises can be helpful.


Physical therapy: Physical therapy may be recommended if the pain persists for more than 4-6 weeks.


Manipulation : In the treatment of acute and chronic low back pain; It can be applied by physical therapists, chiropractors, osteopaths, massage therapists.


Acupuncture: It is a treatment method developed by the Chinese. It is a method of treatment performed by sticking a needle into the appropriate areas where the body's energy currents are mapped. Acupuncture can be beneficial in chronic low back pain.


Injections: Some clinicians claim that chronic low back pain is reduced by injecting local anesthetic into soft tissues. Its effect is not fully known. These injections are made to pain points expressed as trigger points.


Epidural steroid injections are also recommended for low back pain accompanied by sciatica and radiculopathy. Injections are made into the epidural space. The pain will disappear gradually. But; injections may need to be repeated.


Corsets and braces can be used for a short time. In long-term use, waist muscles weaken and back pain may become chronic. Therefore, its long-term use is not recommended.

Dr. Tamer Tekin


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