What is Neck Hernia
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What is Neck Hernia

What is Neck Hernia

Cervical disc herniation compresses the nerves in your neck, causing pain and other symptoms. Especially genetically weak muscles, working at a desk for long hours and a life without exercise can cause neck hernia. Now, what is neck hernia? Symptoms, causes and treatment.


The neck is made up of many different anatomical structures, including muscles, bones, ligaments, and joints. Each of these structures has nerve endings. The tissue between the bones in your neck is called intervertebral discs. There are 7 vertebrae in our neck and 5 discs between them. The discs consist of a soft gel-like center and a hard outer coating.

The intervertebral disc forms a joint between each bone in the spine that allows them to move. When the outer lining surrounding a disc ruptures, the soft center punctures a hole, creating a herniated disc in the neck. This is called neck hernia.


– Pain in the neck

- Pain in the neck, shoulder and back

– Restriction in neck movements

– muscle spasm

- Numbness, numbness in the arms and hands

– Thinning in the arms

– dizziness

– tinnitus

– Concentration disorder

- Decreased muscle strength in arms and hands

Neck hernia is most commonly seen between the 5th and 6th vertebrae, and less frequently between the 6th and 7th vertebrae. This is because these vertebrae are very mobile and more exposed to stress.


Past trauma, keeping the neck in a bad position at the desk or in front of the computer for a long time, degeneration in the bone structure and aging in the disc, rheumatic diseases can cause neck hernia.


The diagnosis of neck hernia begins with a complete physical examination of the neck, arms, and lower extremities. Your doctor will examine your neck for flexibility, range of motion, and signs that your nerve roots or spinal cord are affected by a herniated disc. He or she may then ask you for an X-ray or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

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