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Adolescent Type Scoliosis


In a normal and healthy spine, it stretches from top to bottom in a straight line when the vertebrae are viewed from behind. In scoliosis , the vertebrae move to the right or left and also rotate around their own axis. And in the x-ray examinations, the spine is seen as an S or C in the anterior and posterior glance. The cause of more than 80% of adolescent type scoliosis cases is idiopathic; that is, the reason cannot be found. Approximately 70% of cases are female and the disease is progressive. In some cases, there is a genetic predisposition. The important thing in scoliosis is early diagnosis of the disease and treatment. Deformity is progressive in untreated scoliosis patients. It can cause serious heart and lung problems by affecting the chest bones.


Symptoms of Adolescent Scoliosis


  • One shoulder higher than the other

  • One leg is shorter than the other

  • One side protruding forward in the spine

  • Protrusion of the scapula on one side of the back

  • Backache

  • Walking unsteady


Adolescent Scoliosis Diagnosis


Scoliosis is diagnosed by evaluating the patient's history, neurological examination, X-ray and MRI examinations. In the anteroposterior and lateral radiographs of the entire standing spine, the angle between the vertebrae where the curvature begins and ends are measured.


Adolescent Scoliosis Treatment


It is determined by the amount of curvature and the stage of bone growth. Early treatment increases the success rate.


In patients below 20 degrees and whose skeletal development is close to completion, only observation and periodic control is sufficient.


Conservative Treatment

Some of these types of scoliosis do not require surgical treatment.
It is observed against possible advances in those with small curvature (angle less than 15-20 degrees). No treatment is required at this stage. A corset may be required for those with an angle of 20-40 degrees and may prevent the progression of the curvature. Even if the corset is uncomfortable for the patients, it is important in terms of the benefit they see and the avoidance of surgery. Unfortunately, not all scoliosis curves respond to a brace. If the curvatures in the cervicothoracic region (the part extending from the middle of the back towards the neck) are over 40 degrees, the response to the corset is weak. The effect of corset is limited in patients whose skeletal development is completed.


Adelosan Type Scoliosis Surgery


Surgical treatment is recommended for curves over 40 degrees. In smaller curves, if the cosmetic appearance of the curvature bothers the patient, scoliosis surgery may be recommended , albeit rarely. The aim of surgery is to correct the curvature and prevent the progression of the curvature. Surgery is performed with metal implants placed in the spine under neuromonitorization. Neuromonitorization has further increased the reliability of this procedure. Neuromonitorization warns the surgeon about nerve injuries during the operation and many operations that could not be performed before can be performed easily.

The patient can easily return to normal activities within 2-3 months after surgery.


Adult Scoliosis


The definition of adult scoliosis is used for abnormal spinal curvatures in patients over 18 years of age. Sometimes, untreated childhood curves can progress and turn into this type. Scoliosis is called "adult degenerative scoliosis" if there is no history of curvature in childhood. It may develop due to osteoporosis and degenerative disease.

Adult type scoliosis, idiopathic type scoliosis the difference is that the most common complaint of the patients is low back pain. The curvature is usually serious and progressive.


Adult Scoliosis Symptoms


Shortening in height


Loss of strength, numbness in the legs

In severe curvatures in the back area, shortness of breath and a feeling of weakness

One leg is shorter than the other


Adult Type Scoliosis Treatment Methods


Conservative Treatment


Conservative treatment is sufficient in most patients. Anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy, epidural steroid injections can be applied. Corset is rarely used. Treatments containing calcium and vitamin D are started for patients with osteoporosis.


Surgical treatment


Surgical treatment is usually recommended in cases where the curvature is progressive and does not respond to conservative treatments. After 3 months after the operation, the patient returns to his normal life.

Dr. Tamer Tekin

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