Narrow Canal in the Spinal Cord

Narrow and Nerve Surgery Op. Dr. Ozan Ganiüsmen stated that narrow channel disease should not be taken lightly.
Caused by narrow channel disease Op. Stating that the disease is seen more intensely in middle and upper age groups and people with careless behaviors, Op. Dr. Ganiüsmen said, "In cases such as low back, neck, back pain, spreading of pain in the hips, legs and arms, numbness in the arms and legs, incontinence of urine or stool, cerebrospinal nerve surgery should be applied. Physical therapy, orthopedics and neurology branches are also relevant. Drug use, resting. "And appropriate exercise is usually sufficient. If the symptoms last for a long time, facet blockade can be done with the radio frequency method," he said. On the other hand, stating that surgical decision can be made for some patients, Ganiüsmen said, "Success and patient satisfaction rate in surgical interventions is over 90 percent."