Beware of back pain in women

Giving information about the relationship between being a woman and low back pain, Dr. Uslu said, “Menstrual periods trigger pain. Pregnancy and child care cause women to experience lower back pain more frequently. 40-60% of pregnant women also have low back pain. In men, pain is more often due to a significant strain. In women, daily repetitive activities such as activities of daily living, standing for long periods of time, housework and child care may cause pain. Whiplash injuries that occur after motor vehicle accidents are more common in women and heal later. Carrying heavy items, pulling, pushing, gardening and cleaning activities, home and out-of-home activities are the most important causes of low back pain. Spondylolisthesis (waist shift) is more common in girls and women than in men. Work environment and low back pain: Only 15-20 percent of low back pain in women is related to the work environment and work. This rate is higher in men. Health, hotel, catering businesses, banking, finance and insurance sectors are the working areas where women encounter low back pain most frequently. Nurses frequently encounter low back pain due to prolonged standing and patient care. Jobs in which body movements such as pushing, pulling, and turning are often forced into repetitive movements are an important risk factor for low back pain. Market cashiers, those who use keyboards, those who work in telephone exchanges, and occupational groups that provide banking services carry the risk of low back pain due to sitting for a long time. In child and elderly caregivers, nurses and kindergarten teachers; activities such as lifting, bending, and reaching increase the risk of low back pain. Low job satisfaction and low pay increase the risk of back and neck pain. Home environment and low back pain: Shopping, (carrying weights, putting things up high, picking up things from a height), Cleaning activities (bending, pushing, tripping, turning) Ironing (standing for a long time, turning)”.
Noting that some features of women cause low back pain, Dr. Uslu, “Pregnancy (hormonal factor, mechanical factors, emotional factors) Baby care, breastfeeding, carrying, menstrual period reduces the pain threshold, menopause and osteoporosis risk, hypermobility syndrome is more common in girls and women. Fibromyalgia syndrome is more common in women. Fashion: High heels increase the lumbar lord (waist cupping). Tight dresses, trousers and skirts increase the risk of low back pain. Large breasts and breast prostheses put additional strain on the waist. Women, family and society: Women pay more attention to their health than men. They are more sensitive about this. Women are more helpful than men. They are more inclined to work in the maintenance sector”.