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  • New treatment method in spinal canal stenosis

    Assoc. Dr. In his statement to the AA correspondent, Erdem said that the disease, which is called "Spinal Stenosis" in the medical literature and known as spinal canal stenosis among the people, is a very common health problem that seriously threatens the quality of life, and that it usually occurs due to old age. Stating that in spinal canal stenosis, the ligaments connecting the bones in the spine become thicker and enlargement and volume increases occur in the posterior facet joints due to calcification, Erdem also said that the disc joints are also worn out and as a result, the disc space is narrowed, bony growths occur on the edge of the disc, and the canal is located anteriorly. He also explained that it causes pressure on the nerves by narrowing it. Pointing out that the narrowing in the spinal canal makes it difficult for the nerves passing through the spinal cord to transmit messages from the brain to the legs, leading to numbness and loss of strength, Eren Erdem said: "Delayed detection reduces the success of the treatment. Like every disease, early diagnosis of spinal canal narrowing is of great importance in treating it without bad consequences such as temporary and permanent paralysis. The most obvious symptom in spinal canal stenosis is pain. Apart from leg pain, it also causes persistent back and neck pain.In addition to this, numbness in the legs, pain that occurs when walking, cramps and the desire to rest, typically leaning forward, shortening of walking distance and urinary incontinence are among the symptoms encountered. They can reduce pain by leaning forward." "Spinal canal narrowing is confused with lumbar hernia symptoms" Interventional Neuroradiology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Eren Erdem stated that spinal canal narrowing is generally seen after the age of 50, and that the disease is more common in men than in women and that the quality of life decreases as the problem progresses. Pointing out that the problem is confused with lumbar or neck hernia due to symptoms such as arm and low back pain, Erdem gave the following information: "Luminal hernia is the compression of the nerves by damage to the discs in the lumbar spine. It is a pain that starts suddenly and is unrelated to walking or sitting. It occurs with the pressure of the hernia on one or more nerves. Spinal canal stenosis is the compression of all nerves. Symptoms in spinal canal stenosis, usually lumbar hernia It is necessary to take a good anamnesis and examination in order to make the correct diagnosis, because it is similar to the diagnosis. It is necessary to listen to the patient well and make the diagnosis correctly. MR and computed tomography examinations are used to help the diagnosis. Otherwise, the treatment process may result in a wrong way. Therefore, the vertebral column It is necessary to see a doctor who is an expert in the field for the diagnosis of canal stenosis. "Treatment is possible without open surgery" Assoc. Dr. Erdem said that if the spinal canal stenosis is not severe, it is tried to get results with medication and physical therapy, but the surgical method is preferred in patients who have difficulty in walking and who have too much pain due to the pressure applied to the nerves. Stating that in the classical surgical method, the bones and tissues behind the canal are removed by entering from the back of the spine, and then the spine is fixed with screws and platinum, Erdem said: "However, in spinal canal stenosis, open surgery is a laborious operation for patients due to reasons such as the procedure, the length of recovery time, and metal implants placed in the body. The 'Minimal Invasive Lumbar Decompression' (MILD) method, which was recently developed in the USA as an approach to interventional neuroradiology. , is a reliable and new treatment method for removing stenosis in the spinal canal without the need for open surgery. With this method, it has become possible to treat this disease by removing only the enlarged and thickened tissues without disturbing the structure of the spine. In the MILD method, a hole the size of a hazelnut is opened and the canal is accessed from here "The tissues that cause the narrowing are removed under imaging (fluoroscopy) with special instruments. The patient walks out 2 hours after the procedure and returns home. In this method, the patient does not need to be put to sleep." Emphasizing that the patient is not sutured during the procedure and that the patient is discharged with a band-aid applied on the incision, Erdem said, "No implant is placed in the spine in the MILD procedure. The patient's comfort is ensured by intravenous pain relievers. The patient returns to their normal life within 2-3 days. The patients follow the procedure. It should be careful not to carry weight for 2 weeks and should avoid sudden movements. he said.

  • What is physical therapy?

    Physiotherapy, or physiotherapy, as it is commonly known in English-speaking countries, is performed for the purpose of restoring functional movements that have decreased due to injury, illness, trauma or old age; It is the name given to the treatment of patients with electric current, hot or cold application, exercises or various applications. Physiotherapy covers a wide range of disease states diagnosed by physicians (physiatrists) who have received specialization training in physical medicine and rehabilitation after the Faculty of Medicine. Health professionals (physiotherapists) graduated from undergraduate programs of the Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department of universities plan and implement the treatment diagnosed by a specialist physician. Physician and physiotherapist work together in the relevant treatment centers. Physiotherapy, which is described in medical language as "treatment aimed at obtaining or restoring optimal neuromusculoskeletal function", can sometimes take many years. The aim of physiotherapy is to enable individuals to fulfill vital factors in a healthy way. Physiotherapy includes elements such as emotionality and social relations apart from physical practice. Before the application of treatment, some laboratory findings and examination are applied. There are special care centers for physiotherapy - areas such as geriatrics, neurological, fitness centers and sports training facilities. The history of physiotherapy goes back to the time of Hippocrates. At that time, patients were tried to be treated with massage, manual therapy methods or hydrotherapy, that is, using the therapeutic properties of water. However, the first professional physiotherapy studies took place in Europe at the beginning of the 17th century. Established in Sweden in 1813, the Royal Central Institute of Gymnastics (RCIG) is the first known institution where physiotherapy was also practiced. Massage, manipulation and exercise were performed in this center. Sweden began providing its physiotherapists with official registrations in 1887 through the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare. The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy was founded in England in 1894 by four nurses. In 1913, the School of Physiotherapy was opened at the University of Otago in New Zealand. In 1921, the first Physiotherapy Association was established in America by Mary McMillan. Its current name is the American Physical Therapy Association. (APTA). Prof. at Hacettepe University in 1961. Dr. With the opening of the School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation by İhsan Doğramacı, the foundations of the physiotherapist profession in Turkey were laid. The School was structured as the first Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Faculty of the country with the Presidency's decision dated 09.01.2019 and numbered 576 published in the Official Gazette.[1] Physiotherapy techniques, which previously consisted of massage, traction and exercise, have increased day by day and have given physiotherapists the authority to work in hospitals, medical centers, rehabilitation centers, orthopedic clinics and many more. Physiotherapists use some therapeutic agents to create the desired effect in the area to be treated. Since each disease has a different prognosis and pathology, the physiotherapist chooses and applies the most appropriate agent for treatment using his knowledge and skills. These agents have many physiological effects, from increasing blood flow in tissues to post-synaptic inhibition and blockade of pain. Superficial and deep heat agents: Hot-pack, paraffin, infrared, fluidotherapy, short wave diathermy, long wave diathermy, microwave diathermy, ultrasound. Cold agents: Cold-pack, cryotherapy. Hydrotherapy methods: Immersion baths, opposite baths, whirlpool baths (whirlpool), butterfly bath (hubbard tank), opposite showers, hydromassage, underwater traction bath, galvanic bath, balneotherapy. Electrotherapy agents: Galvanic current, faradic current, diadynamic currents, TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation), interference currents, BEMER (bio electromagnetic energy regulation). Manipulative treatment methods: Classical massage, connective tissue massage, lymphedema drainage, mobilization and manipulation techniques.

  • Tumors' weak spot found in cancer

    Scientists have discovered a weakness in cancer that causes tumor cells to overstretch and self-destruct. According to the news of AA; According to the study published in the journal Nature Cell Biology, scientists who have been investigating the gene called MYC, which causes the growth of tumors in many types of cancer for years, have discovered a mechanism that may be the "Achilles Heel" of MYC. In this process, it was determined that the tumors disappeared if the protein called ATF4 was prevented from feeding the tumors. Scientists observed that when they deactivate ATF4 proteins in cells, the tumor cells continue to build too much protein and are destroyed by stress. TUMOR GROWTH IS INHIBITED In this way, tumor growth was inhibited in mice with lymph and colon cancer. Professor Constantions Koumenis, from the team that led the research, said: "We learned that we need to dig deeper to inhibit tumor growth so that cancer cells cannot escape, and our study set this goal." Doctor Feven Tameire from the team stated that they will continue research on why ATF4 works in this way, whether this method has serious side effects and whether it will work in humans. Masses formed by uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells are called tumors. Tumors can appear anywhere in the body.

  • Fibromyalgia

    The exact cause of fibromyalgia has not yet been determined. However, as a result of many years of research, it has been understood that some factors trigger the disease. Personality structure: It is mostly seen in individuals with a sensitive structure, perfectionist and easily affected by events. Infections can bring on Fibromyalgia or worsen symptoms. What are the symptoms of fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia symptoms include fatigue, sleep problems, not feeling rested despite sleeping for a long time and difficulty getting out of bed, headache, depressed mood, anxiety, difficulty concentrating or concentrating, abdominal pain, ringing in the ears, reluctance to exercise and fatigue, digestive problems, arm and swelling in the legs, numbness and tingling can be listed as. What are the risk factors for fibromyalgia? It affects 1-2% of the population and women aged 40-55 make up the majority. How is fibromyalgia diagnosed? According to current information, fibromyalgia is diagnosed in patients with widespread pain that persists for three months or more and cannot be based on a medical cause. There is no laboratory test that can detect fibromyalgia. How is fibromyalgia treated? The aim of the treatment of fibromyalgia is to manage the bodily sensors (receptors) that make the pain feel excessively, to manage the internal and external factors that stimulate the sensors and to increase the quality of life, to develop coping methods and to provide a new perspective. There is also a genetic predisposition. People who are prone to wrinkles should do more skin care, or people who are prone to knee calcification should avoid weight gain and heavy activities, as well as stay away from stressors that they have experienced before and that affect them, and take care of them adequately. Osteopathic Manual therapy, Neural therapy, Prolotherapy, Ozone therapy (especially Ozone therapy should be made a part of their lives), Cupping, Kinesiology taping, Cognitive Behavioral therapy as well as coping methods should be brought into their lives. Acupuncture, Dry needling, Meditation, Massage, a balanced and healthy diet, regular exercise, quality sleep will also contribute to the effectiveness of treatment. Collaboration with a specialist doctor is essential for treatment. It has been repeatedly experienced that treatment with medication alone is insufficient. Treatment should be started and continued with combined treatment methods. Which doctor should I go to for fibromyalgia? It would be ideal for individuals with fibromyalgia to apply to a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist for the correct diagnosis and adequate treatment. A multidisciplinary (including multiple clinicians) approach is required. What are fibromyalgia exercises? Exercising in the control of fibromyalgia signs and attacks provides significant benefits. Exercises that provide a proper posture in the body, strengthen muscles and increase endurance must be an integral part of fibromyalgia treatment. It is felt that there is a decrease in pain and fatigue and an improvement in sleep problems in those who exercise. But intense exercise can trigger fibromyalgia symptoms. Aerobics, stretching and strengthening exercises, swimming and walking should be made into a lifestyle. Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Specialist Associate Professor Ahmet Inanır finally explained the ways to prevent Fibromyalgia; Fibromyalgia is an uncomfortable condition that negatively affects quality of life. To avoid fibromyalgia and its negative effects, to exercise regularly, to sleep in a dark room regularly, to take drinks such as tea and coffee in doses that can disrupt sleep patterns, to stay away from stressful situations and environments, to learn and apply coping methods, to eat healthy, to be under regular therapy, They benefit from lifestyle changes such as taking time for themselves, spending time with loved ones, and taking up hobbies.

  • Symptoms of Gastric Bleeding

    stomach bleeding; It is a complication that occurs in the gastrointestinal tract, covering the mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestine, rectum and anus. There are two types of gastric bleeding. These; occur in the upper gastrointestinal and lower gastrointestinal tract. Gastric bleeding is a life-threatening condition from the moment it develops. It can lead to the development of various complications by causing severe bleeding. Small-scale gastric bleeding can resolve spontaneously when seen. However, regardless of the severity of the bleeding, it must be detected. It should not be neglected. Dark-colored bleeding, dark stools, vomiting, dizziness, and symptoms of weakness can be the effects of heavy bleeding. If stomach bleeding occurs, the symptoms that we can understand are as follows; Chronically mild stomach bleeding cannot be noticed by the person himself, and anemia can be seen in the continuity of this condition. Mild bleeding is excreted with the feces of the person. Heavy bleeding; feces turn dark like tar. If the bleeding is severe, the person may experience dizziness, weakness, sudden darkening of the eyes, pale skin and bloody vomiting due to blood loss. Stomach bleeding in general; When it occurs in the upper gastrointestinal tract, it can be seen from ulcers in the esophagus. Esophageal varices caused by cirrhosis are also causes of bleeding. As a result of vomiting and gag reflex caused by another disease, bleeding in the esophagus may occur suddenly. Excessive use of blood thinners is also one of the reasons. Bleeding occurs as a result of problems in the lower gastrointestinal tract due to the large intestine. In addition, the enlargement of the vessels in the intestine causes bleeding. If the bleeding is thought to be in the upper region, this area is thoroughly examined by entering a small tube through the mouth through endoscopy. If it is thought to occur in the lower region; The area is checked with the colonoscopy method and if the doctor deems it necessary, taking a piece; may request a review. The treatment is based on the cause of the bleeding. If the bleeding consists of drugs used for other diseases of the person, it is requested that the drugs be discontinued. It is very important to quit smoking and alcohol use and to have a healthy diet. If the bleeding cannot be stopped despite careful attention and compliance with what is said, surgery is intervened.

  • Beware of back pain in women

    Giving information about the relationship between being a woman and low back pain, Dr. Uslu said, “Menstrual periods trigger pain. Pregnancy and child care cause women to experience lower back pain more frequently. 40-60% of pregnant women also have low back pain. In men, pain is more often due to a significant strain. In women, daily repetitive activities such as activities of daily living, standing for long periods of time, housework and child care may cause pain. Whiplash injuries that occur after motor vehicle accidents are more common in women and heal later. Carrying heavy items, pulling, pushing, gardening and cleaning activities, home and out-of-home activities are the most important causes of low back pain. Spondylolisthesis (waist shift) is more common in girls and women than in men. Work environment and low back pain: Only 15-20 percent of low back pain in women is related to the work environment and work. This rate is higher in men. Health, hotel, catering businesses, banking, finance and insurance sectors are the working areas where women encounter low back pain most frequently. Nurses frequently encounter low back pain due to prolonged standing and patient care. Jobs in which body movements such as pushing, pulling, and turning are often forced into repetitive movements are an important risk factor for low back pain. Market cashiers, those who use keyboards, those who work in telephone exchanges, and occupational groups that provide banking services carry the risk of low back pain due to sitting for a long time. In child and elderly caregivers, nurses and kindergarten teachers; activities such as lifting, bending, and reaching increase the risk of low back pain. Low job satisfaction and low pay increase the risk of back and neck pain. Home environment and low back pain: Shopping, (carrying weights, putting things up high, picking up things from a height), Cleaning activities (bending, pushing, tripping, turning) Ironing (standing for a long time, turning)”. Noting that some features of women cause low back pain, Dr. Uslu, “Pregnancy (hormonal factor, mechanical factors, emotional factors) Baby care, breastfeeding, carrying, menstrual period reduces the pain threshold, menopause and osteoporosis risk, hypermobility syndrome is more common in girls and women. Fibromyalgia syndrome is more common in women. Fashion: High heels increase the lumbar lord (waist cupping). Tight dresses, trousers and skirts increase the risk of low back pain. Large breasts and breast prostheses put additional strain on the waist. Women, family and society: Women pay more attention to their health than men. They are more sensitive about this. Women are more helpful than men. They are more inclined to work in the maintenance sector”.


    As we age, our bones and connective tissue can begin to deteriorate and weaken, leaving us vulnerable to injury. Sitting at work all day can speed up this process. In addition to taking more walking breaks or taking a standing desk, you can also eat to keep your body fit. Most people now know they need calcium and vitamin D for strong bones, but two other vital nutrients are magnesium and potassium. Magnesium is needed to activate all the enzymes in the body that metabolize vitamin D, so they should always be taken together in supplement form. Potassium helps neutralize acid in the body so that calcium does not come off the bones. Sweet potatoes are a great source of these nutrients. Other food sources for bone health include: Calcium: raw dairy products, green vegetables, cooked cabbage, yogurt, kefir, cooked broccoli, bok choy, cheese, okra, almonds Vitamin D: cod liver oil, sardines, salmon, mackerel, tuna, raw milk, eggs, mushrooms Vitamin K: green leafy vegetables, broccoli, asparagus, cucumber, scallions, cabbage Magnesium: spinach, chard, pumpkin seeds, almonds, black beans, avocados, figs, dark chocolate, bananas Potassium: avocados, zucchini, spinach, potatoes, salmon, beans, bananas, beets, chard We must eat collagen-boosting foods to support your other connective tissues. All of these nutrients have been shown to support and repair ligaments, tendons, and discs. Manganese - nuts, legumes, seeds, whole grains, green leafy vegetables Omega-3 - as listed above, salmon, mackerel, etc. Vitamin A - liver, carrots, sweet potatoes, kale, spinach, apricots, broccoli, zucchini Vitamin C - black currant, capsicum, kiwi, green pepper, orange, lemon, strawberry, papaya, brussels sprouts, cabbage, pineapple, grapefruit Sulfur - cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, cabbage, turnips, brussels sprouts), garlic, onions, leeks, eggs, fish, poultry While most of these foods are plant-based, bone broth is becoming very popular due to its wide array of health benefits. Good quality bone broth can be made by removing grass-fed beef bones, dipping them in water with a drop of apple cider vinegar and letting them simmer for 20-24 hours. Whether you make it yourself or buy it in stores, bone broth is rich in collagen and other vital amino acids and minerals that support the health of bones and joints.

  • Mantis Shrimp Inspired Camera to Detect Tumors During Surgery

    Researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign have developed a hexachromatic camera that can aid tumor imaging during surgical removal. The device was inspired by the mantis shrimp, which can detect twelve colors compared to three colors that can be detected by the human eye. The new camera can visualize tumors in the body during surgery when patients are applied near-infrared probes to label cancer cells. By seeing the entire tumor and accurately removing it around the edges, it should be possible to minimize surgical revisions and reduce the likelihood of cancer recurrence. Cancerous tissue can look very similar to the surrounding healthy tissue, making it difficult to know what material to remove. Removing too much healthy tissue can have consequences for patients, especially when removing brain tumors, but leaving cancerous tissue behind leads to tumor recurrence, posing an enigma to surgeons. Graphics by Steven Drake, Beckman Institute. "Engineers spend an incredible amount of time and money developing image sensors in cell phones," said Viktor Gruev, a researcher involved in the study. "When we're in the city, these devices can take great pictures for social media, but doctors don't care how good the shot looks when examining patients - they care how well the picture captures reality. The driving force in the camera market is completely incompatible with the technology needed for medical diagnostics." The compound eye of the mantis shrimp was the inspiration for this cutting-edge technology. "Mantis shrimp have these incredible eyes," said Steven Blair, another researcher involved in the study. "Humans perceive three colors - red, green and blue - because of a single layer of photosensitive cone cells surrounding our retina, but the mantis shrimp detects up to 12 colors thanks to the stacks of photosensitive cells at the tip. it does in a part of space." The hexachromatic camera uses optical filters and semiconductors to capture near-tricolor infrared light that would not normally be visible to a clinician. When combined with near-infrared probes that can be applied to patients and preferably deposited in cancer cells, the camera can help the surgeon identify which areas of tissue are cancerous. "The combination of this bio-inspired camera and the resulting tumor-targeting drugs will ensure surgeons don't leave cancer cells in a patient's body," said surgeon Goran Kondov, who tested the technology. “This additional set of eyes will help prevent disease recurrence and provide patients with a faster and easier pathway to recovery. Because the device is so simple, it can potentially be manufactured at low cost, making it accessible to hospitals around the world.

  • Is surgery an appropriate treatment option for those over 80 years of age with acute spine diseases?

    As the number of Americans aged 80 and older continues to increase, so does the percentage of patients with acute spinal conditions. A new study, appearing in the Feb. 4 issue of the Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery (JBJS), found that patients with lumbar spinal stenosis with and without degenerative spondylolisthesis benefit significantly from surgical treatment -- spinal conditions that cause leg and back pain, numbness and weakness. and no higher overall complication rate and higher death rate in patients 80 years of age and older compared to patients younger than 80 Between 2000 and 2010, the U.S. population aged 80 and over increased by 22 percent to 11.2 million, and about 47 percent of Americans age 60 and older have spinal stenosis, a narrowing of the spinal canal due to aging-related wear and tear. In this study, researchers reviewed Spine Patient Outcomes Research Trial (SPORT) data for 105 patients aged 80 years and older and 1,130 patients younger than 80 years of age with either lumbar stenosis alone or with degenerative spondylolisthesis. Clinical characteristics of patients, such as age, gender, ethnicity, university and employment status, body mass index (BMI), smoking, comorbidities, level of back and leg pain, self-assessment of general health, and treatment preference were initially reviewed. Pain levels, general health assessment, complications, need for revision surgery, and mortality were measured postoperatively for up to four years. Fifty-eight (55.2 percent) of patients who were at least 80 years old underwent surgery – either spinal fusion (arthrodesis) or a laminectomy, which is the removal of the bone spur, bone, and ligaments pressing on the spinal nerves. - as in 749 (66.3 percent) of patients under 80 years of age. At baseline, patients aged 80 years and older had a higher prevalence of hypertension, heart disease, osteoporosis and joint problems, but a lower BMI and a lower incidence of depression and smoking. Among other findings: Averaged over a four-year follow-up, operatively treated patients at least 80 years of age had significantly greater improvement in all primary and secondary outcome measures than patients at least 80 years of age who received nonsurgical treatment. Both groups—under 80 years of age and older—had similar complication rates during and after surgery, reoperations, and postoperative mortality. The rate of multilevel lumbar laminectomy (those involving three or more levels of the spine) was significantly greater in patients 80 years of age and older compared to younger patients (60 percent versus 32 percent). The benefits of surgery in patients at least 80 years of age were similar to those in younger patients, except for higher pain and physical function outcome measures in the under-80 age group. Rothman Institute orthopedic surgeon Dr. and associate professor at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia. “Patients in this age group had significant improvement in their post-operative function and complication rates comparable to the younger population. Based on the results of this study, surgery should be considered viable. The treatment option for these low back disorders in patients older than 80 years. Better cost-effectiveness of surgery in this patient population. Future studies are needed to evaluate Study Details Analysis of patients treated for lumbar stenosis and degenerative spondylolisthesis participating in the Spine Patient Outcomes Research Trial (SPORT) was performed. Patients who were at least 80 years old were compared with those under 80 years old. Baseline patient and clinical characteristics were noted, and the difference in improvement from baseline between operative and non-operative treatment was determined for each group at each follow-up period. up to four years. A random individual effect was included to account for correlation between repeated measures within individuals, and a formal duration of interaction between treatment and age was included to compare treatment effect in subgroups.

  • New robotic technology improves safety and precision of spinal fusion surgeries

    A new technology is now available at Rush University Medical Center that improves the safety and precision of spinal fusion surgeries and reduces the time required for the procedure. The technology, called the Mazor X Robotic Guidance Platform, improves surgical planning and precision by combining pre-operative imaging and image guidance during the procedure. Spinal fusion is used to relieve pain and other symptoms for conditions such as tumors, fractures, spinal stenosis, scoliosis, spondylolisthesis, and degenerative disc disease. During spinal fusion, the vertebrae (bones of the spine) fuse together, eliminating movement between the vertebrae. Rush is the first hospital in Chicago to use a robotic platform with an imaging component that provides a customized 'outline' of a patient's spine and detailed locations of spinal screws. The robotic platform attaches to the patient as well as the operating room table and includes a robotic arm that helps guide the surgeon as they place the screws in the appropriate places. “An important and time-consuming component of correcting the deformity is to correctly and safely position the screws connecting the vertebrae into the spine. This system makes this part of the procedure more efficient and aids in correct placement of these screws. " Christopher DeWald, assistant professor of orthopedic surgery at Rush University Medical Center "Because the robotic system makes screw placement more efficient, I can focus on different aspects of the procedure, such as correcting the deformity and decompressing the nerves. The entire surgery can be completed in less time," DeWald said. Another benefit of robotic spinal fusion surgery is that it reduces both a patient's and surgeon's exposure to radiation because the surgeon may rely less on X-ray imaging for guidance during surgery. The technology allows images taken during surgery to be matched with a computed tomography (CT) scan taken prior to the procedure with millimeter accuracy. The robot can match the patient's position during surgery to the pre-operative CT scan. “The robotic arm moves into position to help me insert the screws according to the plan I created before surgery,” DeWald said. "This tool gives me the ability to optimize the size of the screw for each individual patient. The increased level of safety for the patient is always a primary focus and the reason for using robotic tools and technology." DeWald is one of the first people in his practice and in the country to use the Mazor X stealth version of the robotic system in spinal surgery. To date, he has performed more than a dozen procedures to correct spinal deformity procedures using this technology. “My partners and I can use this technology for any procedure that requires screw placement or pre-operative planning for the patient's sagittal alignment. In addition to deformity correction, we can use the robot for degenerative lumbar fusions and fracture stabilization,” he said.

  • Spinal Compression Fractures in Athletes

    The type of injury that Florida State University (FSU) returnee Chris Thompson suffered on October 8, 2011 is commonly seen among athletes who participate in high-impact sports. FSU coaching staff previously said that Thompson suffered compression fractures in the T5 and T6 during the game. Compression fractures can occur in both teenagers and older adults; in an older adult, it most often develops in conjunction with weak and brittle bones due to the development of osteoporosis. On the other hand, a compression fracture in a younger person is often due to a major trauma such as Thompson's experience. The vertebrae or bones and intervertebral discs protect the spinal cord and nerves. A compression fracture can be defined as a collapse of the vertebral body. This type of fracture can be classified as inherently stable or unstable, depending on the degree of collapse and the threat to spinal cord integrity. A person with a stable compression fracture will often present with pain at the level of the fracture, but will not show any neurological deficits such as weakness or numbness. This type of compression fracture is routinely treated conservatively and nonsurgically. It can be treated with treatment, back support, and pain management. A stable fracture treated without surgery has the potential to heal without additional complications. When asked about possible recovery times, world-renowned surgeon Dr. Chetan Patel notes that "a stable compression fracture will often heal on its own within 6-12 weeks." Surgical solutions may be required if complications develop and the fracture does not heal or worsens. Dr. According to Patel, an older adult with persistent pain from a compression fracture may undergo a minimally invasive procedure such as a vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty, while a younger person may typically require an open procedure for a compression fracture. Fracture of the spine is a major medical problem/condition and requires medical attention to achieve optimal healing.

  • Long working hours increasing deaths from heart disease and stroke: WHO, ILO

    Long working hours led to 745,000 deaths from stroke and ischemic heart disease in 2016, according to the latest estimates from the World Health Organization and the International Labor Organization, published today in Enviro International. In the first global analysis of the loss of life and health associated with working long hours, WHO and ILO estimate that 398,000 people died from stroke in 2016 and 347,000 people died from heart disease as a result of working at least 55 hours. week. Between 2000 and 2016, the number of deaths from heart disease due to working long hours increased by 42%, and the number of deaths from stroke increased by 19%. This work-related burden of disease is particularly significant in men (72% of deaths occurred in men), people living in the Western Pacific and Southeast Asian regions, and middle-aged or older workers. The majority of deaths recorded are among those aged 60-79 who have worked 55 hours or more per week between the ages of 45 and 74. Working long hours is now known to be responsible for about one-third of the estimated work-related disease burden and has been identified as the risk factor with the largest occupational disease burden. This shifts thought to a relatively new and more psychosocial occupational risk factor for human health. The study concludes that working 55 hours or more per week is associated with an estimated 35% higher risk of stroke and a 17% higher risk of dying from ischemic heart disease compared to working 35-40 hours per week. Moreover, the number of people working long hours is on the rise and now accounts for 9% of the total population globally. This trend puts even more people at risk of work-related disability and premature death. The new analysis emerges as the COVID-19 pandemic sheds light on managing working hours; The pandemic is accelerating developments that may feed the trend of increasing working hours. WHO Director-General Dr. "The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed the way many people work," said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. “Remote work has become the norm in many industries, often blurring the lines between home and work. Also, many businesses have had to downsize or shut down their operations to save money, and people who are still on the payroll work longer. No job is worth the risk of stroke or heart disease. Governments, employers and workers must work together to agree on limits to protect workers' health." Director of the World Health Organization Environment, Climate Change and Health Department, Dr. "Working 55 hours or more per week is a serious health hazard," said Maria Neira. "It is time for all of us, governments, employers and workers to realize the fact that long working hours can lead to premature death". Governments, employers and workers can take the following measures to protect the health of workers: governments can enact, enforce and enforce laws, regulations and policies that prohibit mandatory overtime and provide maximum limits on working time; Bilateral or collective bargaining agreements between employers and workers' associations can make working time more flexible while at the same time agreeing on maximum working hours; Employees can share working hours to ensure that the number of hours worked does not increase by 55 or more per week.

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