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  • Rocket scientists and neurosurgeons are no smarter than the general population

    A new study shows that neurosurgeons and aeronautical engineers are no smarter than the general population. The study, published in the Christmas issue of the BMJ, compared the intelligence of 329 aeronautical engineers and 72 neurosurgeons to 18,257 general population members in the UK, US and Canada, all recruited online. Participants completed an online test to measure six different areas of cognition, including planning and reasoning, working memory, attention, and emotion processing abilities. After taking into account potentially influential factors such as gender, hand preference, and experience in related fields, the researchers found that aeronautical engineers and neurosurgeons were equally matched in most fields. However, the study noted that they differ in two respects. Rocket scientists demonstrated better mental manipulation abilities, such as visualizing and rotating objects in the mind, while neurosurgeons were better at semantic problem-solving tasks such as rare word definition. Compared to the general population, aeronautical engineers did not show significant differences in any area, and neurosurgeons showed a slower rate of memory recall while solving problems faster than the general population. Based on the results, the researchers said, despite common stereotypes, all three groups showed a broad spectrum of cognitive abilities. However, the researchers also noted that the study was observational only and did not represent the global spectrum of aerospace engineers and neurosurgeons. Referring to another limitation of the study, they said the participants were not balanced for geographic locations, adding that the data may not be representative of the true cognitive abilities of the general population because the test is based on self-selection rather than random sampling.

  • Meninges of the brain and spinal cord

    The meninges are three membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord and separate them from the skull and spinal walls. The meninges are called the cranial meninges that surround the brain and the spinal meninges that surround the spinal cord, depending on their location. However, the cranial and spinal meninges are continuous with each other and consist of the same three meninges. Superficial to deep meninges are: Dura mater, also known as Pachymeninx arachnoid mater pia mater These layers delimit three clinically important potential areas: the epidural, subdural, and subarachnoid spaces. The function of the meninges is to protect the brain and spinal cord from mechanical trauma, to support blood vessels, and to create a continuous space through which cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) passes. Specifically, CSF passes between the inner two meningeal layers (arachnoid and pia), which together are called the leptomeninges. dura mater The dura mater is the outermost meningeal layer composed of dense irregular connective tissue. It consists of two layers; The superficial layer is the periosteal cranial dura. It covers the inner layer of the cranial dome bones, acting as the periosteal layer of the skull. Meningeal cranial dura extending superficially to the arachnoid mate. The two dural layers are tightly bound together, except where they separate to close the dural venous sinuses. In these places, the meningeal layer extends inward into the brain tissue, forming fibrous septa that partially separate the cranial cavity. Fibrous septums within the skull are: Falx cerebri, the largest of the fibrous septa. It extends along the midline on the inner surface of the calvaria, from the crista galli to the inner occipital protuberance. It separates the left and right cerebral hemispheres and houses the superior sagittal and inferior sagittal sinuses. Behind, the falx blends with the tentorium cerebelli. Tentorium cerebelli, which extends in a transverse plane from the inner surface of the occipital bone. It separates the cerebrum from the cerebellum and includes the transverse, straight, and superior petrosal sinuses. The tentorium divides the intracranial cavity into supratentorial and infratentorial sections, which contain the forebrain and hindbrain, respectively. Falx cerebelli protruding from the midline of the occipital bone. It separates the cerebellum hemispheres and houses the occipital sinus. The diaphragm sella is a flat membrane that surrounds the pituitary stalk and forms a roof over the pituitary fossa. It includes the anterior and posterior intercavernous sinuses. The meningeal dura mater lies above the trigeminal ganglion and surrounds it by a chamber known as the trigeminal cave (Meckel's cave). arachnoid mater The cranial arachnoid mater is a spider web-like meningeal layer located between the dura and the pia. The potential space between the arachnoid and dura is called the subdural space and contains a very thin layer of fluid, according to some authors. The space between the arachnoid and the pia is called the subarachnoid space and is filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). In addition, all cerebral arteries and veins are located in this space. The outer surface of the arachnoid adheres to the dura mater and forms a barrier that prevents CSF from leaking into the subdural space. In the areas where the dura forms the venous sinuses, the arachnoid shows mushroom-like projections called arachnoid granulations. The inner surface of the arachnoid shows fine fibrous projections called arachnoid trabeculae that cross the subarachnoid space and attach to the outer surface of the pia mater. Because of their embryological and cellular similarities, the pia mater and arachnoid are collectively referred to as the leptomeninges. Arachnoid granulations (Pacchionian bodies) are protrusions of the arachnoid mater that pierce the meningeal dura and protrude into the lumen of the dural venous sinuses. The nucleus of each arachnoid granulation is continuous with the subarachnoid space, therefore it contains the cerebrospinal fluid. CSF diffuses from the lining of the arachnoid granulations into the dural venous sinuses. Therefore, the function of arachnoid granulations is to provide continuous drainage of cerebrospinal fluid from the subarachnoid to the vascular system. It is important that CSF drainage is kept in balance with the production of new CSF from the choroid plexus, which ensures a constant amount of CSF (normally about 150 milliliters) in the brain. Since the skull is a rigid state, any increase in the amount of CSF in the brain increases intracranial pressure and can cause various neurological disorders (eg hydrocephalus).

  • 50 years ago, the first tomography device was found thanks to an engineer at the Beatles' record lab

    The possibility of precious objects hidden in secret rooms can really fire the imagination. In the mid-1960s, British engineer Godfrey Hounsfield considered whether he could detect hidden areas in the Egyptian pyramids by capturing cosmic rays passing through unseen voids. He has defended this idea for years, which can be interpreted as "looking inside a box without opening it". Eventually, he figured out how to use high-energy rays to reveal things invisible to the naked eye. He invented a way to see inside the skull and capture an image of the soft brain inside. Godfrey Hounsfield's childhood did not seem to suggest that he would achieve much. He was not a particularly good student. As a young boy, his teachers described him as "hard-headed". He joined the British Royal Air Force at the start of the Second World War, but was not a very good soldier. He was, however, a magician over electric machines—especially when he presented a newly invented radar that he would install to the jury to help pilots better find their way home on dark, cloudy nights. After the war, Hounsfield followed his commander's advice and earned a degree in engineering. He did his trade at EMI - the company would be better known for selling the Beatles. Albums started as Electrical and Music Industries with a focus on electronics and electrical engineering. Hounsfield's natural talents propelled him to lead the team that built the most advanced mainframe computer available in the UK. But in the '60s, EMI wanted to exit the competitive computer market and wasn't sure what to do with this bright, eccentric engineer. While on a mandatory vacation to think about his future and what he could do for the company, Hounsfield met a doctor who complained of the poor quality of his brain X-rays. Plain X-rays show great detail of bones, but the brain is an amorphous blob of tissue – everything looks like fog on an X-ray. This made Hounsfield rethink his old idea of ​​finding hidden structures without opening the box. Hounsfield formulated a new way of approaching the problem of imaging what is inside the skull. First, it would conceptually divide the brain into successive slices—like a loaf of bread. He then planned to irradiate a series of X-rays from each layer, repeating this for each degree of the semicircle. The strength of each beam would be captured on the opposite side of the brain - stronger beams indicating they were passing through less dense material. Finally, in arguably his most ingenious invention, Hounsfield created an algorithm to reconstruct an image of the brain based on all these layers. Working backwards and using one of the fastest new computers of the era, he was able to calculate the value of every little square of each brain layer. However, there was a problem: EMI was not included in the medical market and did not want to be involved. The company allowed Hounsfield to work on its product, but with insufficient funding. He was forced to rummage through the scrap bins of research facilities and put together a primitive screening machine that was small enough to stand on a dining table. Even with successful scans of inanimate objects and later of cow brains, the forces in EMI fell short. Hounsfield needed to find outside funding if it wanted to go ahead with a human scanner. Hounsfield was a brilliant, intuitive inventor but not an effective communicator. Fortunately, Hounsfield had a sympathetic boss, Bill Ingram, who saw the value in his offer and fought EMI to keep the project afloat. He knew there was no financial support they could get quickly, but thought the UK Department of Health and Social Security could buy equipment for hospitals. Miraculously, Ingram sold them four scanners before they were even built. So, Hounsfield assembled a team and they competed to create a safe and effective human scanner. Meanwhile, Hounsfield needed patients to try out his machine. He found a somewhat reluctant neurologist who agreed to help. The team installed a full-size scanner at Atkinson Morley Hospital in London, and on October 1, 1971 they scanned their first patient: a middle-aged woman with signs of a brain tumor. It wasn't a quick process – it took 30 minutes to scan, a drive across town with magnetic tapes, 2.5 hours to process the data on an EMI mainframe computer and capture the image with a Polaroid camera before returning to the hospital. And there, a plum-sized cystic mass was detected in the left anterior lobe of the patient. All other methods of imaging the brain were now obsolete. Millions of CT scans each year EMI, with no experience in the medical market, suddenly became a monopoly for a machine in high demand. It went into production and was very successful initially selling scanners. But within five years, larger, more experienced companies with more research capacity, such as GE and Siemens it was producing better scanners and increasing sales. EMI is finally out of the medical market - and they decided it might be better to partner with one of the big guys instead of trying to go it alone. Hounsfield's innovation transformed medicine. He received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1979 and was knighted by the Queen in 1981. He continued to deal with inventions until his last days in 2004, when he died at the age of 84. In 1973, American Robert Ledley developed a whole-body scanner that could image other organs, blood vessels and, of course, bones. Modern scanners are faster, provide better resolution, and most importantly, do so with less radiation exposure. There are even mobile browsers now. By 2020, technicians were performing more than 80 million scans per year in the US. Some doctors argue that the number is excessive, and perhaps a third is unnecessary. While this is true, CT scanning has benefited the health of many patients worldwide, helping to identify tumors and determine if surgery is needed. It is particularly useful for the rapid diagnosis of internal bleeding after accidents in the emergency department. Remember Hounsfield's idea about the pyramids? In 1970, scientists installed cosmic ray detectors in the lowest chamber of Khafre's Pyramid. They concluded that there was no secret room inside the pyramid. In 2017, another team installed cosmic ray detectors in the Great Pyramid of Giza and concluded that there was no hidden room. In 2017, another team installed cosmic ray detectors in the Great Pyramid of Giza and found a hidden but inaccessible room. It is unlikely to be discovered anytime soon.

  • Why Playing Tennis Is a Great Sport

    10 Mental and Physical Benefits of Playing Tennis While there are just over 10 benefits from playing tennis, we've selected some of the best that cover both the physical and mental side of things. Physical Benefits Perhaps the most obvious benefits tennis offers are the physical ones. Nothing beats getting out and running around in the fresh air, and tennis is a great motivator. Raised Hand Eye Coordination Tennis is a sport that requires a high degree of hand-eye coordination. This is because it requires you to have great timing, be able to move the ball efficiently, produce a technically sound hit and recover. All these skills are only possible if you have a great awareness of where your body parts are in space and you have excellent hand-eye coordination - tennis is a sport that demands it! In a sport like golf, no matter how sedentary you are, you have to be technically very solid in order to make a solid hit. Of course, a tennis racket and tennis ball are much larger than the head of a golf club and a golf ball, but the point is still that you need to know where the ball will land, what to do and what to do after it bounces. If you want to hit the ball cleanly, make very small adjustments very quickly. Also, in tennis, you need to hit the ball from both sides of your body and use both hands together, which is another great benefit of the sport. Keeping your eye on the ball and keeping track of where it's going to drop and what you need to do in preparation for your shot is an important element of playing good tennis. Assessing depth, analyzing the geometry of the court, and understanding how your inputs affect the outcome of the shot are all important factors in improving your hand-eye coordination when playing tennis. Enhanced Cardiovascular Capabilities It goes without saying that playing tennis for hours will improve your cardiovascular abilities. To do this at a consistent level throughout a practice or game, you need to have great cardio. However, if you do a lot of long-distance running or cycling, for example, it may not be the type of fitness you're used to. There is a lot of explosive movement in tennis and you take short breaks between each point, so training your fast twitch muscle skills is a great way to build your endurance on the tennis court. Moving in Multiple Motion Planes Another physical benefit of playing tennis is that, unlike many other sports, you're always moving across multiple planes of motion. This is great for developing new movement patterns, increasing your agility and improving your balance. Improves Range of Motion Playing tennis is great for improving your range of motion as it requires you to do full swing and stretch to reach the ball. Of course you can overstretch and cause injury, but overall, tennis is a great sport that, when played with solid technique, naturally increases the range of motion in your hips, elbows, shoulders and knees! Muscle Tone and Strength One of the lesser but still most important benefits of playing tennis is the muscle toning and strength benefits you get from it. It's also a great sport to build your core strength, as there's a lot of twisting, turning, and changing direction. After an intense tennis match, you may feel more pain than you expected! Mental Benefits Tennis is an incredibly mental sport. In fact, this is the area where most matches are won and lost. Improves Problem Solving Skills If there is one important aspect of the mental aspect of tennis, it is that tennis is a problem-solving game. There are no other sports that require as much problem solving as tennis, because almost every hit you hit is a reaction to what your opponent throws at you. It's all too easy to self-destruct while playing tennis if you let your expectations and ego get the better of you. The simplest way to approach the game is to play the ball in front of you, while taking each dot one at a time. However, it is much easier said than done, and you should always have some form of strategy when playing a tennis match. Even if it's as simple as playing to your opponent's backhand as much as possible or aiming to hit as many balls crosscourt as possible, it's important to have an attack plan if you want to be successful on the court. Adapting to new conditions, court surfaces, balls and playing styles is all part of being a better tennis player! Increases Mental Endurance The scoring system in tennis means you can score more points than your opponent and still lose a match! This means you have to be incredibly flexible to play tennis well and overcome challenges. Learning from your mistakes but not letting them disappoint you is something the best of the game achieve, and in life

  • Glioblastom

    Glioblastoma is an aggressive type of cancer that can form in the brain or spinal cord. Glioblastoma consists of cells called astrocytes that support nerve cells. Glioblastoma can occur at any age, but tends to occur more often in older adults. It can cause worsening headaches, nausea, vomiting, and seizures. Glioblastoma, also known as glioblastoma multiforme, can be very difficult to treat and often untreatable. Treatments can slow the progression of cancer and reduce signs and symptoms. Diagnosis Tests and procedures used to diagnose glioblastoma include: Neurological examination. During the neurological examination, your doctor will ask you about your signs and symptoms. It can check your vision, hearing, balance, coordination, strength and reflexes. Problems in one or more of these areas can provide clues about the part of your brain that may be affected by a brain tumor. Imaging tests. Imaging tests can help your doctor determine the location and size of your brain tumor. MRI is often used to diagnose brain tumors and can be used in conjunction with functional MRI and specialized MRI imaging such as magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Other imaging tests may include CT and positron emission tomography (PET). Removing a sample of tissue for testing (biopsy). Depending on your particular situation and the location of your tumor, a needle biopsy may be done to remove your glioblastoma before or during surgery. Suspicious tissue sample is analyzed in a laboratory to determine cell types and aggression levels. Special tests of tumor cells can tell your doctor the types of mutations the cells have acquired. This gives your doctor clues about your prognosis and can guide your treatment options. Treatment Glioblastoma treatment options include: Surgery to remove the glioblastoma. Your neurosurgeon (neurosurgeon) will work to remove the glioblastoma. The goal is to remove as much of the tumor as possible. However, since glioblastoma grows into normal brain tissue, complete removal is not possible. This is why most people receive additional treatments after surgery to target the cells that remain. Radiation therapy. Radiation therapy uses high-energy rays such as X-rays or protons to kill cancer cells. During radiation therapy, you lie on a table while a machine moves around you, directing the rays to precise spots in your brain. Radiation therapy is usually recommended after surgery and can be combined with chemotherapy. For people who cannot have surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy may be used as primary treatment. Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells. In some cases, thin, circular wafers containing chemotherapy drugs may be placed in your brain during surgery. The wafers slowly dissolve, releasing the drug and killing the cancer cells. After surgery, the chemotherapy drug temozolomide (Temodar), taken as a pill, is usually used during and after radiation therapy. If your glioblastoma recurs, other types of chemotherapy may be recommended. These other types of chemotherapy are usually administered through a vein in your arm. Tumor treatment fields (TTF) therapy. TTF uses an electric field to disrupt the ability of tumor cells to proliferate. TTF involves applying adhesive pads to your scalp. The pads are connected to a portable device that generates an electric field. TTF is combined with chemotherapy and may be recommended after radiation therapy. Targeted drug therapy. Targeted drugs focus on specific abnormalities in cancer cells that allow them to grow and develop. The drugs attack these abnormalities and cause the cancer cells to die. Bevacizumab (Avastin) targets the signals that glioblastoma cells send to the body that cause new blood vessels to form, and provides blood and nutrients to the cancer cells. Bevacizumab may be an option if your glioblastoma recurs or does not respond to other treatments. Supportive (palliative) care. Palliative care is specialized medical care that focuses on relieving the pain and other symptoms of a serious illness. Palliative care professionals work with you, your family, and other doctors to provide an extra layer of support that complements your ongoing care. It can be used during other aggressive treatments such as palliative care, surgery, chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

  • Surgery and other treatment options for adult scoliosis

    Spine surgeons have been debating the best methods for treating adult scoliosis for years. Curvature of the spine often causes more back pain, leg pain, and other symptoms in adults than teens because adults can also have spinal stenosis, which is degeneration of the discs between the vertebrae and narrowing of the opening for spinal nerves. Still, there is no good evidence for adults with scoliosis as to whether it is better to have corrective surgery or whether nonsurgical treatment such as physical therapy or nerve injections is sufficient. To help answer this question, doctors at nine centers in North America followed more than 200 adults who suffered from lumbar scoliosis – deformities that affect the lower part of the spine. The NIH-funded trial was conducted between 2010 and 2017 and is the only government-funded study of spinal deformity in adults. The research effort, led by spine surgeon Keith H. Bridwell, MD, of the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, found that surgery often helps patients recover. It helped straighten their curvature and they had less pain. But the researchers also found that those who did not have surgery generally did not experience more severe pain or more severe spinal deformity over a two-year follow-up period. In fact, they found that the most important factor in deciding whether or not to operate is the extent of the patient's difficulties and how much this difficulty affects daily life. The new findings were published Feb. 20 in The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. "If patients expect less pain or better function, they probably won't see improvement unless they have surgery," said Bridwell, the study's senior researcher and J. Albert Key Distinguished Professor of Orthopedic Surgery. "On the other hand, if patients' quality of life is adequate and the goal is simply to keep them from getting worse, nonsurgical treatment is probably fine." About 15 percent of adults in the U.S. have some type of spinal deformity, and the most common is lumbar scoliosis. Some adults have scoliosis since puberty; others develop the condition as adults. Many experience no symptoms, but a significant percentage develop back pain, leg pain, and even lose 10 cm of torso height from the waist up due to deformity. "Many doctors have recommended surgery before a patient's condition worsens," said first author of the study, Michael P. Kelly, an associate professor of orthopedic surgery at the University of Washington. "However, we found that, on average, patients are less likely to deteriorate rapidly. Those who do not have severe pain and can easily perform daily activities seem to progress slowly, and often their symptoms are not severe enough to risk surgery." The risks of surgery include surgical complications such as infection and non-fusing of the vertebrae, which often means that patients will need another operation. A total of 286 patients, 144 in the non-operative group and 142 in the operated group, were included in the study. All were symptomatic patients aged 40 to 80 years who had a curve of at least 30 degrees in the lower spine. Disability levels were measured with spinal pain and disability questionnaires. Patients who did not have surgery were treated with treatments such as physical therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs, and pain medication injections directly into the nerve roots along the spine. Of the patients who did not have surgery during the study period, 29 changed their minds or their condition worsened and decided to have surgery. Bridwell said that in general, patients who had surgery felt less pain after surgery and were able to function better in their daily lives two years later. However, over the study period, 14 percent of patients who had surgery required at least one additional surgery to correct any subsequent complications. At the end of the study, on average, surgical patients had recovered. Meanwhile, those who did not have surgery were functioning at about the same level after two years, but most did not get worse. Kelly and Bridwell said that individual patients' satisfaction with their degree of disability appears to be the best guide to whether or not they choose to have surgery.

  • Increased incidence of cerebral hemorrhage in the elderly, study finds

    The incidence of brain hemorrhages, called intracerebral hemorrhages, has remained stable in all age groups over the past 30 years, but has increased in people 75 and older, according to a new analysis of the Framingham Cardiology study. The findings are available in JAMA Neurology. Anticoagulant use in older adults also tripled during this period, but the authors cautioned against using too much. “We are not advocating that people stop taking statins or anticoagulants. These treatments reduce the risk of ischemic stroke, which represents about nine out of every 10 strokes, while intracerebral hemorrhage occurs in one.” Dr. Sudha Seshadri, neurologist at the Long School of Medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio D., senior investigator at the Framingham Study of Cardiology and UT Health San Antonio. Seshadri said the healthcare system will likely see an increase in the number of patients with cerebral hemorrhages due to the increase in life expectancy and the aging of the population. Imaging and medications D., a stroke neurologist at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School, the report's lead author. Vasileios-Arsenios Lioutas project created the study to evaluate trends in the incidence of intracerebral hemorrhage in 10,333 Framingham participants from 1948 to 2016. During the study follow-up, 129 experienced bleeding in this area. He divided the years into three periods: 1948-1986, 1987-1999 and 2000-2016. Dr. "We wanted to account for changes in diagnostic approaches, and one of the main advances was CT scanning, which was introduced around 1980," Lioutas said. said. "Many things that weren't previously diagnosed as bleeding could be seen very easily after that." The late 1990s saw an increase in the prescription of blood thinners such as warfarin, which, after a series of trials, has been shown to be effective at preventing clots from atrial fibrillation, a heart rhythm abnormality. In the 2000s, more preventive practices and additional drugs were added. Dr. "One possible explanation for why we're seeing more bleeding in older Framingham participants is that by using these anticoagulants we prevented adverse events that could potentially kill them early in life," said Lioutas. "We extended their lifespan and then, because we did that, they risked bleeding later in life." Dr. "It's a bit of a balancing act," Seshadri said. said. "We want to be careful what message we send about this. Statins and anticoagulants have value in preventing life-changing or fatal events." The role of hypertension The study also looked at risk factors for two types of cerebral hemorrhage. Lobar intracerebral hemorrhages occur closer to the surface of the brain, while deep intracerebral hemorrhages occur deeper within the brain substance and involve different structures. In the study, hypertension, previously thought to be more important as a risk factor for deep intracerebral hemorrhages, increased the risk in both types. Dr. Lioutas said that deep intracerebral hemorrhages are associated with changes in very small vessels of the brain as a result of prolonged exposure to hypertension. Lobar hemorrhages also show changes in the small vessels, but the vessels are close to the surface of the brain. Amyloid protein deposits, most known to be associated with Alzheimer's disease, are believed to be the culprit in these hemorrhages. Dr. "As with previous research, we found that these dividing lines were not very clear," said Lioutas. "We found that many people also have hypertension, especially in lobar hemorrhage, so we now believe that hypertension plays a role in both deep and lobar intracerebral hemorrhages." The study shows that although clinical advances have been successful in reducing stroke rates in developed countries, the decline is mostly in clot-related strokes, not hemorrhagic strokes. Dr. "We've seen an increase in intracerebral hemorrhages in the elderly Framingham population, in a demographic group that has grown from year to year in the United States and worldwide," said Seshadri. "We have to find new ways to prevent these strokes, and at the same time, the healthcare system should be prepared to treat more bleeding in the future."

  • Coma

    The formation of the coma is more than 50% due to head trauma and disruptions in the blood supply to the brain. Treatment of coma is directed towards the disease that caused it. It is appropriate to follow up a comatose patient in the intensive care unit. And life support should be given until his condition improves. Coma is a prolonged state of unconsciousness. The patient in a coma cannot communicate and respond to his environment. It cannot be aroused by painful stimuli. A coma results from an injury to the brain. This injury to our brain may occur due to increased intracranial pressure, loss of oxygen, cerebral hemorrhage or toxic causes. Injury can be temporary or permanent. The formation of the coma is more than 50% due to head trauma and disruptions in the blood supply to the brain. Treatment of coma is directed towards the disease that caused it. It is appropriate to follow up a comatose patient in the intensive care unit. And life support should be given until his condition improves.

  • Ski Accidents Beware of Spine Injuries!

    During skiing, injuries to the knee and upper body occur most frequently. Our lumbar spine is overloaded. This causes the emergence of back diseases or an increase in the existing disease. So How Can Spinal Injuries Happen While Skiing? While skiing, the whole body should be in harmony Carrying heavy skis, boots, and other ski equipment can cause lower back strain and loss of balance. Falls, sprains and concussions while skiing put an excessive load on the spine. When sliding on rough terrain, the jolt puts a strain on the spine and surrounding soft tissues. Preventing Spine and Sports Injuries While Skiing When falling, you can avoid spinal injuries by avoiding straightening yourself. Before skiing, you should prepare for skiing by exercising for at least 6 weeks. Before you start skiing; before more difficult stages, do warm-up exercises by sliding down easy hills Those who have back problems, taking lessons from more experienced ski instructors should definitely take into account what is said. After skiing, applying heat to the pain areas caused by cold relaxes the muscles.

  • Keeping Patients Awake During Spine Surgery Halves Recovery Time

    David B.'s spinal surgery in November wasn't the first—but it was the first time he'd been awake for a procedure. David, neurosurgeon Praveen Mummaneni, MD, is one of nearly 10 patients who have taken advantage of UC San Francisco's offer of awake spine surgery, which he began doing in the spring of 2018. “At first I was like, 'Do I really want to be on the lookout for this?' I thought,” he said. But in reality, it was more like being pleasantly oblivious. "I wasn't aware of anything that was going on. It was bedtime." After the procedure—transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion, or TLIF, which usually only takes two to three hours—David was painlessly up and walking again before the end of the day. “The procedure is relatively new,” said Mummaneni, co-director of the UCSF Spine Center. “I am changing my practice to be able to do my patients much faster than their surgery.” Provides Advantage over Local Anesthetic Sleeping One of the keys to this new approach to spine surgery is a long-acting, local anesthetic called liposomal bupivacaine, which was recently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Before the incision is made, anesthetic is injected into the muscle in the lumbar region and provides pain relief for 72 hours. BENEFITS OF AWAKEN SPINE SURGERY ► Procedures take one to three hours compared to four to six hours for open spine surgeries ► Patients walk on the day of surgery rather than three to four days for standard spine surgery under general anesthesia and usually go home within 24 hours. ► Faster recovery rates mean patients can quickly return to their daily leisure and work activities ► No need for postoperative IV narcotics ► As no general anesthesia is required, patients do not need to be on a ventilator, resulting in a lower risk of side effects and a faster recovery time "This means we no longer give IV narcotics after surgery," Mummaneni said. "And it allows us to reduce hospital stays by two-thirds." A traditional spinal fusion surgery with general anesthesia takes about four hours and requires a three to four day hospital stay in addition to IV pain relievers. Awake spine surgery cuts the time in half and typically patients are discharged from the hospital within 24 hours. Patients may continue to take oral pain medications for a week or two after the effect of the long-acting anesthetic wears off, but overall pain management is much less intense. The benefits of awake spine surgery go beyond quick recovery times and shorter hospital stays. Patients get over the disorientation and "outside" state caused by anesthesia and post-operative narcotics and return to their lives in a much shorter time. And the absence of general anesthesia means patients do not need a ventilator or breathing tube during surgery, reducing the risk of side effects such as post-operative nausea and delirium. Low Back Pain Causes Physical and Economic Damage There is no shortage of people in the US who need back surgery. Diseases of the spine affect Americans more than any other medical condition. About four in five Americans struggle with lower back pain at some point in their lives. According to the National Institutes of Health, about a quarter of them, or 20 percent of Americans, experience chronic low back pain with persistent symptoms. About four in five Americans struggle with lower back pain at some point in their lives. According to the National Institutes of Health, the incidence of low back pain has been rising steadily since the 1990s, now the leading cause of missed workdays and the most common cause of work-related disability. Low back pain often impairs a person's overall health, as it interferes with an individual's ability to exercise and be active. In fact, lower back pain; It now ranks third as a cause of poor health among Americans after heart disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In other words, returning people with spinal disorders to work faster and with fewer complications has economic and social benefits as well as health benefits. Making Surgery Accessible for More People Mummaneni's new approach makes low back surgery easier for a wider population of people, for patients avoiding general anesthesia. This group includes most patients who would benefit from traditional spinal fusion or decompression surgery, and many patients who have difficulty tolerating general anesthesia, such as elderly patients. Awake surgery also appeals to those who are dissuaded from traditional surgery due to its recovery time of one week and longer. MRI and clinical notes are reviewed to determine if a patient is a good candidate for awake surgery, Mummaneni says. Awake surgery is currently available for one- or two-level lumbar procedures for decompression and/or fusion for the treatment of spinal stenosis and spondylolisthesis. UCSF is one of the first major medical centers in the United States to offer awake spine surgery. David had suffered from back problems when he contacted Mummaneni last summer. "I've had a lot of surgeries," he said. "I'm not a very novice at this." Despite previous spine procedures at other hospitals, David suffered from persistent back pain and was referred to Mummaneni by another surgeon. When the UCSF doctor offered him the opportunity to have spine surgery without general anesthesia, David chose it. “I have zero pain now,” she said. “I spent less time in the hospital, less of an impact on my body, recovery was quicker and I needed less pain relievers.”

  • Spondylolisthesis: Another Reason to Take Care of Your Waist

    More than 3 million people are diagnosed each year with spondylolisthesis, a spinal disorder in which one bone slides over another. It can affect both adults and children and is common among youth engaged in athletics. Spine surgeon at Texas Health Plano, Dr. “Spondylolisthesis is Latin in origin,” said Isador Lieberman. "Spondy means spine, and listhesis refers to a bone that slides forward in the other bone. They are not lined up in their proper alignment." It's possible to have spondylolisthesis and not know it - a doctor's diagnosis is necessary to identify the disorder. It progresses over time, it can be from birth. Due to age-related deterioration of the spine, it can also occur in adulthood. But either way, Lieberman says, the resulting low back pain can be treated. IMPORTANT POINTS IN THE INTERVIEW: What causes spondylolisthesis? "In the young adolescent age group, you're usually born with this congenital disease and it progresses over time. One bone slides forward or sideways on the other bone. Both tend to be a progressive problem, where the bones slip on their own or when one bone slides over the other, the nerves become pinched and tight. or you experience pain because it's damaged." It's often seen in athletic children and adolescents: "You can hasten the sliding of one bone over another. We see this often in gymnasts, dancers, soccer teams, some baseball pitchers can have spondylolisthesis." You may have spondylolisthesis and not know it, right? "Exactly. We know it's there when we see it on an X-ray, but we can't really predict how fast it will progress, how far it will progress, or how much it will affect our patients. That's why we follow them." Treatment: “If we see it progressing rapidly, patients will first of all complain about the shape of their waist. So the cure for this is to reposition it to reposition it and align it. When we see it on X-ray, if it's not progressing rapidly and patients have only minimal back discomfort, we recommend that they continue an exercise program to maintain and support their muscle strength and maintain their flexibility, we usually put them in rehab. We encourage them to avoid certain activities that we know can make them worse. If nerve problems begin to develop, we try to realign the spine and protect the nerves. This is surgery to improve the situation." Tips to take better care of our waist: "First, we push many young athletes hard, we push them to more strength conditioning, and we put too much force on the lower spine before the spine is physiologically mature and able to handle that force. I recommend maintaining flexibility, agility, and endurance rather than strength." "Keep yourself slim. Keep yourself active. The more weight you carry, the more stress puts on the spine." "Bone health and bone quality. In women, it is crucial to prevent osteoporosis and the changes it causes over time by keeping up with an active exercise program and maintaining calcium and vitamin D in their diets to optimize bone health." "Then there's cigarettes. The nicotine in cigarette smoke reduces blood flow to the discs, muscles, and ligaments." "Instead of straining the spine by bending straight forward, squat on your knees to lift."

  • New research shows spinal surgery improves sexual function

    Chronic low back pain can limit daily activities, including sex. New research presented today at the 2015 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) found that 70 percent of patients found sexual activity "related" to their quality of life and found that patients undergoing surgical treatment for spinal spondylolisthesis (DS) and Spinal stenosis (SS) (mostly the elderly) common degenerative conditions that occur in adults) were twice as likely to report no pain during sex. "Our current research sheds light on the impact of spine surgery on a patient's sex life and is beginning to define the impact of spinal disease on this crucial aspect of life," said Shane Burch, MD, an orthopedic surgeon, senior study author. University of California, San Francisco. Researchers reviewed data from the Spine Patients Outcomes Research Study (SPORT) of 1,235 patients diagnosed with DS or SS. How did the pain affect your sex life in the last week? answers to the question. It was used to determine the sexual life relationship. Patients who chose "I can't answer" or "doesn't suit me" were included in the sex life unrelated (NR) group. Patients who chose other options were placed in the sex-related (SLR) group. The mean age of patients in the NR and SLR groups was 68 and 63, respectively. Seventy percent of the patients were in the SLR group. There was a higher correlation between being in the NR group in patients who were female or unmarried or had a concomitant joint problem or hypertension. At baseline, 40 percent of SLR patients reported having pain at some gender-related level. A total of 825 patients, 449 with SS and 376 with DS, were included in the study. A total of 294 patients received nonoperative treatment and 531 patients received surgical treatment. Patients who did not have surgery were more likely to report gender-related pain at all follow-up time periods (from 41 percent compared to 20 percent). Percentages remained stable during annual visits at one year, two years, three years, and four years after surgery. Previous research has found that 41 percent of doctors routinely question patients with lumbar disc herniations about sexual problems. Dr. "Our current research has two key findings," Horst said. “First, that sexual activity and sexual function are an important consideration in patients with degenerative spine conditions. The study also shows that sexual function is a more relevant consideration in married, young, and male patients. Our second major finding. "They reported less pain in their sex life compared to patients treated without surgery. This finding persisted throughout the four-year follow-up."

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